How to Look Good on Web Meetings

How to Look Great on Web Meetings

Over 90% of communication is non-verbal. By leveraging video camera in your web meetings, you can significantly increase the communication and build rapport. But before you turn on your camera, you need to follow the below steps to look fabulous.
1. Get a High Definition Camera, one may already be in your laptop.
2. Position the camera above you by stacking books to eliminate wrinkles and chins.
3. Make sure you have good lighting that is behind the camera.
4. What’s in the background, people will snoop.
5. Look good:
a. No Gum
b. What’s Your Mug Say?
c. Don’t Look Disheveled
6. No multitasking – be 100% present
7. Position your image on the screen to be under your camera to not look shifty eyed.
8. Invest in a Quality USB Microphone. Look good and sound good.
9. Photo ready make-up up makes you look great.
Homework –
* Get a good HD Camera.
* Record yourself to self-evaluate.
* Go on camera for your next web meeting.

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